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Airports near H1 Hotel

H1 Hotel offers close proximity to the following airports:

Former Kai Tak Airport

2.06 miles away

In the heart of Hong Kong Island, there is a place where the hustle and bustle of the city fade away and is replaced by the sounds of waves crashing against the shore. This is Kai Tak Airport, which served as Hong Kong's main airport from 1925 until 1998.

Kai Tak was originally built on land that was reclaimed from the sea. It consisted of a single runway that was just over 2,000 feet long. In its early years, the airport was used primarily for general aviation and military purposes.

Kai Tak closed down and was replaced by Hong Kong International Airport. Although it is no longer in operation, Kai Tak holds a special place in the hearts of many Hong Kongers who remember it as their city's old main airport.

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